Phone prices dropped, quality increased, and renting phones faded away. The other significant benefit of the breakup of AT&T was competition in long-distance phone service. The Baby Bells allowed consumers to choose among long-distance carriers. Companies like MCI and Sprint (S) challenged AT&T in this market.
Should the American government allow people to vote at the age of 16 or not? Well my opinion on that is this: When you have a group of people with different opinions and judgments, allowing power among st all of them is not a good idea. There needs to be a higher power to take control. With that being said, in my opinion, early age voting is not a good idea. One of the many reasons is because, the brain does not completely develop until the age of 18, and for males it takes longer. People say that you make decisions when you are a teenager, and when you get older you regret them. It is very true, no I do not think that early age voting is a very good idea, especially with the way the world is going. It's going to take a bigger and wiser person to bring us out of the deep hole that We The People have dug ourselves into.
For the first question the best quote emphasising the power of his music would be “His songs were so sad that no human could bear to listen to them”. As in they moved people to the point it hurt them to listen, because his music was that powerful. The first and second answer choice are just saying he’s skilled but not necessarily that it’s powerful and then the last answer choice isn’t saying anything about the music just that he was singing.
The other one I’m not as sure of but I believe it would be showing the strength of his love for his wife, it could be the second one but I would say it wasn’t. The last answer choice is to literal and it can’t be comparing his life to a life without his wife’s love because it isn’t a simile or a metaphor which are for comparisons.