Gregor was quite confused of how he changed in the dream therefore he was heavily affected by it and soon came to past. He felt sad when the raindrops pittered and pattered on the window pane which indeed matched his mood of how he was. But when his mother asked him if he wanted to go somewhere he replied in a forced but uncertain tone. Henceforth he felt partially full because of the meaning of how it had happened.
The major way to distiguish a main verb and a verb phrase with a participle in a sentence is to pay close attention to how the verb functions or what element does it modify.
While main verbs express action, participles look like verbs but function as modifiers or adjectives, and they usually end in -ed or -ing.
For example, in "The smiling postman waved at the children", the participle "smiling" functions as a modifier, indicating what kind of postman was "waving" (the main verb expressing an action).
Another example would be "The meal cooked last night smelled good". Here, "cooked last night" explains which meal performed the action expressed by the main verb "smelled".
To conclude, while main verbs express or indicate action, verb phrases with a participle function as adjectives modifying nouns.
Nepalese people
Siddhicharan Shresthaa wrote the poem to encourage Nepalese people to speak up against cruelty, meaning that the intended audience was Nepalese people
The answer is B0 Each line is the same length, with the same meter.
Dictation helps an argument because it creates dialog and help people understand.
Hope this helps.