Soil type would be a factor that does not influence mass movement
Answer is D - cAMP.
cAMP is a small molecule that functions as an intracellular signaling molecule - a second messenger. The first messenger would be the thing that activated the GPCR (e.g. a hormone). The GPCR is a signal transducer (converts extracellular signal to intracellular signal). Once activated, the GPCR activates adenylate cyclase which can be called a signal effector - it is an enzyme that produces cAMP.
Each cell is alive even if it is part of a multi celled body, and all living organisms consist of one or more cells. Also, cells reproduce by dividing so it follows that all existing cells must have arisen by division of other cells. As a cell divides it passes it hereditary material- its DNA- to offspring.
True. A protein becomes functional only when it reaches its tertiary shape (3D). It is not necessary for the protein to reach the quaternary stage, but that is just a more complex functioning protein. It really is just two tertiary merged together. Example is red blood cells.