Christmas in Mexico bears only a slight resemblance to an American Christmas. Both Holidays remain grand events in their respective cultures and both are based on the celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus; however, this is where the major similarities conclude. While both countries regard December 25th as the observed date of the event, Mexican Christians focus their celebration on the evening before, December 24th. Christmas Eve in America is still respected as a holy day, but contemporary Christians usually spend this day in preparation for the next. La Navidad, December 25th in Mexico, is considered a holiday but not to the extent of the previous evening.
Navidad celebrates baby jesus birthday which is December 24th. Dia de reyes celebrates the three wizards/kings that is suppose to give a gift to baby jesus ... "Adults giving gifts to the kids". The wizards came from far away lands to see baby jesus and give him a gift. They Celebrate this on Jan. 6th
A Juanito y a mi nos gustan las películas de terror.