<h2>Right answer: ¿Puede decirme cómo llegar al cine?
As a rule, if you ask to somebody for help (or to ask for and address for example) you must do it in a polite way.
Taking this into account, the option that best fulfil this condition is:
¿Puede decirme cómo llegar al cine?
May you tell me how to get to the movie theater?
The other options are <u>incorrect</u> because:
-Dime, ¿dónde voy al cine? (Tell me, where is the movie theater?) is not the best way to make this question, it is not polite.
-¿Cuándo llegamos al cine? (When do we get to the movie theater?) Is not in accordance with the context of asking for directions. In addition, in this sentence we are talking about time, not a location.
-¿Puede ayudarme a ir al cine? (Can you help me go to the movie theater?) Is not in accordance with the context of asking for directions.