The phrase means that European powers should leave the continent, allow Africans to become independent nations and refrain from interfering in their economy. It was a claim similar to the Monroe Doctrine: Africans don't interfere in Europe, Europeans shouldn't interfere with Africa.
Even after the end of colonial empires and the rise of new , modern states in Asia after WWII, old racist prejudices remain. Some circles in Europe, Australia and the US (the West) continue to believe in the superiority of Western values and models, demeaning Asian local cultures and experiences. Those notions and attitudes usually fail to understand local history and political cultures, and customs.
<u>Difference between geographic expansion in New England and in the Chesapeake region:</u>
<u>New England:</u>
- New Englanders as a result of rough soil had constrained cultivating so they needed to go to timber, hide, and angling.
Homesteaders in the New England settlements suffered harshly cool winters and mellow summers.
The land was level near the coastline yet turned out to be bumpy and rugged more remote inland.
The dirt was commonly rough, making cultivating troublesome.
Chesapeake region:</u>
- The Chesapeake district was, be that as it may, extremely wealthy in soil, and cultivating turned into the primary concern.
- Tobacco, indigo, and rice were the central yields.
Religion in the Chesapeake district was not in any manner normal, with the exception of in a couple of zones.
The reaction expresses that pioneers in the Chesapeake were increasingly "socialized" with the Indians.
- The province of Maryland was expected as an asylum for Catholics in the wake of being abused when the Catholic Church isolated from the Church of England.
The greatest unintended consequence of Prohibition however, was the plainest to see. For over a decade, the law that was meant to foster temperance instead fostered intemperance and excess. The solution the United States had devised to address the problem of alcohol abuse had instead made the problem even worse.