Federal Parliament of Nepal, 2015–present
The Constitution of Nepal was drafted by the 2nd Constituent Assembly and the provision for a bicameral legislature was re-adopted. The House of Representatives was to be the lower house of the Federal Parliament of Nepal and the elections for its formation was held in 2017.
3r persona del singular del presente
La segunda opción es incorrecta pues la tercera persona del tiempo jugar en pasado imperfecto lleva tilde jugó. Mientras que la ultima opción juegas hace referencia a una segunda persona.
1. Pacto
2. Serguridad
3. Cero
4. Economia
Hope that helped *smiles*
Mi amiga desempeña el papel de Rapunzel en la obra dramática
It basically means "My friend plays the role of Rapunzel in the play"
I hope this help.!!