circle of latitude are unlike circle of longitude which are all great circle with the centre of the earth in the middle as the circle of latitude get get the smaller as the distance from the equator increase the 60th parallel parallel North or South is half as long as the equator so the latitude of a circle but longitude are only half circle
1.weathered materials from rocks and transported to the beach through wind and rivers
2.from rocks weathering and eroding over thousands and millions of years.
Water restrictions are put in place, so less water is to be used. Fires are more likely to happen. You can get arrested for waste of water. Also, people where masks and other devices to keep blowing dirt out of their nose mouth and eyes.
Trust me I lived in Amarillo Texas for a while and we were drier than the dust bowl.
"Devils on horseback with guns" have been accused of genocide against non-Arabs in the Darfur region of <span>Sudan</span>.