To the east for new jobs and living places.
No one could believe what was coming. Death camps were something new in Europe (the first experiences of such camps was in Oceania and South Africa). Because of that, many prisoners thought that they were going to a city, or seek a job. They knew that they would still be prisoners, but death (or extermination) was not a thing that they considered to be possible.
Arachaeologists believe Vinland was located in North America on the coast of the United States and Newfoundland in Canada. Vinland is the name given to the land historians believe Lief Erikson, a Norse Viking, first landed. This was before the Columbus exploration approximately five centuries preceding it and is the only Norse settlement outside of Greenland in the continent of North America.
The greatest difference between the 14 points and the ToV is the blame for the war. In the ToV Germany is blamed for the war and the Treaty is more a sentence than terms of an armistice, to where the 14 points was more a negotiated settlement for an armistice. The 14 points may have included and recognized the new German and would have brought that government into the negotiation process. Many aspects would have been difficult for Germany to agree to but instead of the agreement being forced upon them the new German government would have played a role in the resolution. It was the Germans that first accepted the 14 points for an armistice, knew the terms, and exiled there emperor I believe that there would have been strong support to honor the agreement by the German people. The ToV on the other hand was made to punish the Germans, Breakup the German Empire, and have the Germans pay for the war. It was also made to negate the role played by Wilson and the USA in the war. The ToV also allowed the Allied powers to keep their colonies and only the German colonies were, in some point in time, to be open for autonomous rule. The 14 points might have prevented WW2, the ToV was the punishment that bound the German people together to avenge the disgrace.
I hope I helped!
B)the professional success of Jackie Robinson and
Willie Mays. Both were African
Americans who played professional baseball and helped promote integration in
sports. Despite their initial hardships
both players led their teams to victory and most importantly overcame racisms
in professional sports.