- Poverty levels became high among black citizens;
The poverty levels among the black citizens were high prior to the apartheid, so it is an over-exaggeration that the poverty levels became higher. The bigger problem was that the black citizens were not given the same opportunities as the white citizens, so that was what kept them poor and without prospect.
- A wide education gap opened between white and black citizens;
Very big problem was the education system, as most of the white citizens had education, while the majority of the black citizens did not. That created a very big problem as most of the black citizens were illiterate, thus stopping them from being able to progress even when the apartheid ended.
- White citizens controlled most businesses and industries;
Almost all businesses and industries in the country were controlled by the white citizens, That meant that they controlled the economy as well, and with the segregation that was taking place, it put the black citizens in a very situation.
Well the other guys answer is technically right their a few more details to it. The league of nations was also another attempt to stop further wars between various groups in the world. They didn't want another Holocaust or world war to happen so it made it that all nations would turn on one nation or nations if they did go rogue and attack.
Taft reshaped U.S. diplomacy through dollar diplomacy, and Woodrow Wilson used moral diplomacy