But my assurance was ill-founded, for in spite of all my coaxing, Nab only circled round and round me until I was dizzy trying to keep track of him.
(Note: There could be some definite improvements for all of these sentences. What I'm about to say may not be consistent with how other people learned.)
"At the sound of my voice there was a sharp little bark from behind, such as Nab alone could give when I had an exceptionally delicate morsel for him."
The sentence, "At the sound of my voice there was a sharp little bark from behind" is an independent clause; there should be no comma after an independent clause.
"But my assurance was ill-founded, for in spite of all my coaxing, Nab only circled round and round me until I was dizzy trying to keep track of him."
For is a conjunction; any conjunctions after an independent clause are fine.
"Nab suddenly made a dash so close that his flippers brushed my side. He snapped the fish out of my hand, and in the same instant he was again beyond reach."
There needs to be a comma after "instant" so that it would make an independent clause after it.
"By this time I had begun to feel pretty well exhausted, and when I suddenly thought of the undertow, I decided to swim back."
A comma should be placed after "time" to make an independent clause after.
Answer: 88 birds
5 groups of 8 is 5x8, which is equal to 40.
4 groups of 12 is 4x12, which is equal to 48.
add 40+48 and your answer is 88 birds
easy prompt! I urge you to write this one your own as thats the only way to get better at writing. think of a time you had a hardship- even the slightest one! how did that help you become a better person? maybe there someone in history or from popculture who has dont the same thing! maybe you failed on a math test and it showed you that you need to study and that asking questions isn't bad! don't be scared by prompts, espically short easy ones like this! happy writing :)
Answer: Brownian motion. This is the motion of small objects (like pollen) that appear to jiggle around while sitting in a drop of water. You can view this motion under a microscope.