Answer: Sharecroppers generally gave 50% to the landlords.
My short answer is no.
However, I believe this question is a little bias depending on who you ask. Theoretically, I believe that this event can also be classified as a revolution. I think this because the war was a defining point for the freedom of slaves in America. Let me know if you need more clarification.
As famous as Marco Polo is, he didn't invent anything. However, other inventions such as the compass and the boat influenced Polo. Marco Polo used the compass on all of his travels but especially to reach Asia.
His official title would have been the Chancellor of the German Reich, but what he was mostly known as, probably what you’re looking for, would be the German Führer. Führer translates to Leader or Guide.
Almost 80% of South African population adheres to the Christian faith. Other major religious groups are Hindus, Muslims and Jews. A minority of South African population does not belong to any of the major religions, but regard themselves as traditionalists or of no specific religious affiliation