The Hegira is the journey or migration of Muhammad (the Islamic prophet) and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib in 622. After getting a warning from a group he and his followers surreptitiously left his residence in Mecca to migrate to Yathrib which was 320 km north of Mecca. In his migration, he was followed by Abu Bakr who later became one of the Caliphs.
A. It's managed by the state
Education is controlled and managed by the state
Farmers no longer had any land to live off of they moved to the cities and worked in factories. This allowed there to be enough workers to power the Industrial Revolution and created a capitalistic society from a once freudian society. It turned land from a resource to survive into a commodity to earn money in the marketplace. It also formed the diggers movement which was an activist act against the private property restrictions
Dry farming's purpose was to conserve limited moisture during dry weather by reducing or even eliminating runoff and evaporation, thereby increasing soil absorption and retention of moisture.