The trumpet is a brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group ranges from the piccolo trumpet with the highest register in the brass family, to the bass trumpet, which is pitched one octave below the standard B♭ or C Trumpet.
The trumpeter produces sound from the trumpet by buzzing his lips. ... There are various different mouthpiece shapes-a mouthpiece with a deep cup will produce a mellower sound, while a mouthpiece with a shallower cup will produce a bright, piercing sound.
Instrument family: Brass instrument, Wind instrument, Aerophone, Valved brass instruments
Invented: 1500 BC
<span>The PLATO answer is C, in the order B,A,C.</span>
Within his enchanted paintings<span> you </span>will<span> find an eclectic fusion of bees, meat, tikis, religious emblems, alchamy symbols, old toys, and Abraham Lincoln.</span>
Is it one of these:
1. Keith haring
2.claes Oldenburg & coosje van bruggen
3.robert raucshenburh
4.richard Hamilton
5.roy Lichtenstein
6.peter Blake
7.andy Warhol
8.david hockney