Taking care of the people, what ever natural disaster or basically any bad going on they were responsible for it.
Gerrymandering is the dividing of a state, country, etc. into electoral districts so as to give one political party a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the other party into a few districts as possible.
The part in control uses it to control the voting district by “cracking” which means diluting the voting power of the opposing party’s supporters across an abundance of districts. Or use it as “packing” which means concentrating the opposing party’s voting power in one district to reduce their voting lower in other districts.
British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to help replenish their finances after the costly Seven Years' War with France.
The Answer is Abraham
Abraham is the man that God choose to be the father of the Hebrew Nation
XD :)
The Confederate army lost more generals in combat than the Union did in the entire war.
The most famous general next to General Robert E. Lee, is Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson