Don't worry, I can take care of myself.
Idk but you should put the information in the section that compares or gives their similarities for both male and female tusks. Hope I helped!
While I'll give you the answers, you should really be doing your own homework. Especially on a topic as important as cyberbullying.
1. Respond to mean emails or messages
2. Create a profile in someones name to say hurtful things to others
3. Some kids surveyed may not want to admit their experiences because they are afraid of the consequences
Because Odysseus spared Phemius and Medon because Mr. T spoke up for them both and said they were innocent and to spare their life.
I believe young Fredrick Douglass was a bit frightened and afraid to do anything but what he's told to do in his early years of life. He had seen his aunt be tortured and was scared to see that happen to himself so he stayed undercover for a long time.