1969 - 1973 president richard m. nixon
Explanation assumed responsibility for the vietnam war as he swore the oath of office on january 20, 1969 . he knew that ending this war honorably was essential to his success in the presidency.
Islamic faith do not prohibit birth control. the prophet himself allowed coitus interruptus but the woman must consent to it as it denies satisfaction and child giving which are her rights. Islamic scholars interpreted this to allows child birth controls very early in their time, unlike Christianity and judaism which consider sacred the issue involving procreation, based on the story of Onan and his punishment by Yahweh.
Answer:Buying and selling furs
Explanation:they would kill animals and sell their fur for money and sometimes they would also buy some furs for themselves
Austria used it as a flimsy excuse to start a war with Serbia, which it had been wanting to do anyway.