a. Very strongly correlated
El Nino and La Nina both occur in the Pacific Ocean, and even though they occur in the southern part of the Pacific, they manage to have big influence over much larger area, and even on the whole world. When it comes to Illinois, its weather is strongly correlated with El Nino and La Nina. The summers especially, are becoming very warm and dry, despite Illinois being on higher latitudes and having large bodies of water around it. This is due to the low pressure air movements that El Nino causes to move toward the interior of North America, and as they get deeper into the continent they are becoming warmer and drier.
There's four stages in the classical demographic transition model:
Stage 1 - Pre-transition
In this stage, the birth rates are very high, but also the life expectancy is very low, thus the growth of the population is slow.
Stage 2 - Early transition
In this stage, the birth rates are very high, but the life expectancy is increased, so the population grows rapidly.
Stage 3 - Late transition
In this stage, the birth rates decline slightly, and the life expectancy is a bit higher, thus the population growth is slowing down.
Stage 4 - Post-transition
In this stage, the birth rates are declined significantly, the life expectancy is pretty high, so the population is either growing very slowly, or it is declining.
Port is nothing but a place for docking, traffic and storage of boats. On the contrary, a harbor is a place for storing boats. Ports are a creation of man, whereas harbors are both natural or man made.
14m is the area of the rhombus
One of the biggest reasons was that there were some revolutions that happened around the lat 19th century. They were primarily sparked by lower class individuals who were looking for more money to support themselves/families.