A. Ethiopian Highlands . . . Horn of Africa
- The Ethiopian highlands are a great mass of the rugged highlands in the Ethiopian that are situated around the horn regions and is the largest continuous elevated areas with a surface area of about 1,500 m and is also called the roof of the Africa due to the second-largest areal extent and is geologically 75 million years old.
Individuals who migrate experience multiple stresses that can impact their mental well being, including the loss of cultural norms, religious customs, and social support systems, adjustment to a new culture and changes in identity and concept of self.
velocity = 7.30 m/sec
23 m depth wave will feel bottom
given data
wavelength = 46 meters
wave period = 6.3 second
to find out
velocity and At what water depth will a deep water wave begin to feel bottom
we get here velocity that is express as
velocity =
velocity =
velocity = 7.30 m/sec
wave base =
× wavelength .................2
wave base =
× 46
wave base = 23 m
here water depth more than 23 m will producer will circular wave less than elliptical wave
so 23 m depth wave will feel bottom
I think a..
cause Kelvin scale starts with 373k