Thesis: Whether it is religion or ideology, it has always played an influential role in the making of empires.
The reconquest of Muslim Spain by the Catholics started around the turn of the new milennium. This was a joint effort by Spanish kingdoms (state) and the catholic church. Once succeded the Spanish, united by religion, drove the Jews out, as other European counties had done before them.
The Muslim resurgence between the 14th and the 16 century can likewise be seen as religion coinciding with state expansion. The Ottoman Empire in East Europe and Minor Asia is one example but also the Mughal Empire in India and Persia were important in spreading the Muslim faith all the way to China and Indonesia. So for a short time these three Muslim empires controlled a territory from Morocco in the West to the borders of China in the East. Not for long because the clash between Sunnite Turkey and Shi'ite Persia drove a wedge into the Muslim world.
It is safe to say that Muslim (land) hegemony ended when military hegemony was passing to the sea and to the peoples who knew how to master and exploit it.
Well, when icebergs melt in Antartica and in Greenland this causes the sea level to rise which creeps up on beaches and can take land and submerge it into water.
three German people wanted a strong leader to end economic woes.
the germans economy had to deal with the unconditional surender of WWI everyone was poor, hungry, and depresed as a nation. Hitler gave people confindence and sence of worth. bribeing and manipulating people with good such as a bicycle or good food. do this mean thing and you will get rewarded not only do you feel good about your self but you are getting comended for it. this especially influenced youngsters who wanted more out of life and wanted to feel important. which started youth groups and kids reporting their parents to the goverment and even having them executed. so yes they wanted a leader who would make them feel better but he did, in a sadistic sick way.
Some would fight off soldiers to flee and sacrifice themselves so other Natives from their tribe could stay. The Seminole refused to leave and started a war called the Second Seminole War. Another war caused by refusual to leave was the Black Hawk War.