The current population of Russia in 2021 is 145,912,025, a 0.02% decline from 2020. The population of Russia in 2020 was 145,934,462, a 0.04% increase from 2019. The population of Russia in 2019 was 145,872,256, a 0.09% increase from 2018. The population of Russia in 2018 was 145,734,038, a 0.14% increase from 2017.
The Oregon Trail was part of the idea of Manifest Dynasty because, Manifest Dynasty was the idea that America should expand into the Western Territory. The Oregon Trail is people who are traveling from the East to the West, so it demonstrates Manifest Dynasty very strongly.
The resignation of President Nixon ended a chapter in the relationship of politicians and the media and began a new one.
Politicians were now much more hesitant around the media and the media saw a new role for themselves as investigators in a way not seen since the muckrackers.
To the Great Lakes is the the answer.
To stop Europeans nations from colonizing more lands in the Americas
The Monroe Doctrine is a foreign policy statement that created separate spheres of European and American influence. It was written by President James Monroe and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams.
The Monroe Doctrine consists of four main points:
1. The United States would remain neutral in European affairs and not get involved in European conflicts.
2. The United States would not interfere with current European colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
3. No European nation would be allowed to establish a new colony in the Western Hemisphere.
4. If a European nation would try to interfere with a nation in the Western Hemisphere, the United States would view that as a hostile act and respond accordingly.
Basically, then, the Monroe Doctrine decreed that the United States would handle the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.