A biological cycle, or rhythm, that is approximately 24 hours long is called a circadian cycle
Natural selection is the process by which an organism uses its traits to survive and reproduce. In this mechanism of evolution, organisms have favorable traits for survival and reproduction. The more adapted an organism is to its environment, the more likely it is to have heritable traits that are passed down to new coming offsprings, and really, this also applies for the likeliness of the organism to survive and reproduce in general. The more these heritable traits are passed down and used with offspring, the more common the favorable traits are in the community.
Genotype is all the information / genetic material of an individual.
the genotype is constituted by the set of hereditary characteristics specific to an individual and the phenotype corresponds to the expression of this genetic inheritance in a given environment. It reports on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of an individual. The existence of dominant and recessive genes explains that the same phenotype corresponds to different genotypes.
Phenotype is your physical characteristic as Brown for the color of your eyes or blond for the color of your hair
While Genotype is the combination of genes that you have (basically your two parents give you a genes for a characteristic and that's the scientific expression) so B = a hairy brown and b = a blond so you can have BB = you're brown Bb = you're brown or bb = you're blond
So for example your phenotype is to be brown and your genotype is either Bb or BB
Be P atient
do your O bligation
be a good L istener
being A cess to all
being R esponsible
use your I nternal feelings
use your T ongue for good
Y our officially a angel of god
the capital letters is from the word polarity