You ask questions here. Not ask for stuff that you can search up on Google or something similar to it.
no no no and no.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow).
Transcendentalists believe things such as political parties and organized religion corrupt one's purity, and as such would agree with D.
He incorporates it to reflect a blues musical timing.
A signature of Hughes's poetic style is his meter. It reflects the rhythms of Harlem's jazz and blues during his time period, as well as black folk rhythms. Hughes's poetry is reflective of the African American culture in, not only its content, but also its rhythms.
The other two options are simply incorrect. He did not writing jingles for depression medication has nothing to do with how he incorporates meter. While the first does indicate the blues sound, it's not completely correct.
You may get into your car one day and think, my car smells. Once you notice a smell the next thought is how to I get rid of the smell. There are many different things that can cause nasty smells. You may notice your car smells of gas, the car smells of rotten eggs, or of something else.