Lee el siguiente párrafo y luego contesta las preguntas 13-15. Estas de visita en la ciudad de Guatemala y con la clase particip
as en un recorrido por un jardín en donde hay un monumento de dos manos. En este lugar no se permite tirar basura ni dormir. En este lugar, se firmaron los acuerdos de paz que dieron fin a la guerra civil de Guatemala. ¿Dónde estás? Escoge la respuesta correcta. Which location does this paragraph describe? El patio de la Iglesia de San Francisco de Asís El patio de la casa de Rigoberta Menchú Una cancha de pelota de Tikal El patio de la Paz del Palacio Nacional
Read the next paragraph and then answer questions 13-15. You are visiting Guatemala City and with the class you participate in a tour through a garden where there is a monument of two hands. In this place it is not allowed to litter or sleep. In this place, the peace agreements that ended Guatemala's civil war were signed. Where are you? Choose the correct answer. Which location does this paragraph describe? The courtyard of the Church of San Francisco de Asís The patio of the house of Rigoberta Menchú A ball court of Tikal The courtyard of the Peace of the National Palace
Answer: Multiple cropping and use of modern farming methods are two different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. e.g., (i) Multiple Cropping When more than one crop is grown on a piece of land during the year it is known as multiple cropping.
San Diego está en California. Mi familia y yo somos de Perú. Marta es de Brasil. Ella es Brasileña. Ricardo no está feliz. Está triste. Yo siempre estoy cansada.