Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions:
The thing about New Year's resolutions is that it's similar to saying "I'll do it tomorrow". Some people say "hopefully next year I lose weight and exercise", see it sounds like a nice goal, but half the time it's just a method to push doing it farther back. It's not supposed to be a deadline that you extend and I get tired of seeing people do that because that means they won't do it here and now.
If you want to get something done, do it now. Not tomorrow, not the day after, and definitely not next year. If you have the time to dream to do this next year, then why can't you do it now? (This applies to the people that truly have time to make these improvements and meet these goals.)
Sorry if this isn't the best, but I hope this helps.
toon mayo Kay para ma toman mo ang gusto mo ma toman
These children who could never remember a time where their wasn’t rain and rain and rain.
The participle in the sentence (the participle is stacked because it is a verb being used to modify a noun) modifies the word NEWSPAPERS
1) We went to Target and bought eggs, cheese, milk, bread, and pizza rolls.
2) Their book bags were sitting on a table over there.
1) Target should be capitalized
2) Use of commas when creating a list
3) The third sentence missuses there vs their, (there meaning location, their meaning possesion)