you did not add a description or a picture with the question. therefore, I cannot answer. I am sorry. If you do though, I will be happy to answer.
1. Se despierta.
2. Se ducha.
3. Se viste.
4. Se cepilla.
5. Se peina.
6. Sale.
In this task you should complete the paragraph with the verbs <em>despertarse, ducharse, vestirse, cepillarse, peinarse, salir. </em>The short story is told using the second person (you) so you must complete the blanks using the present tense and the second person.
For example:
Mi amigo Fabio (1) se depierta todos los días a las 7 de la mañana. (2) se ducha rápidamente (quickly) y (3) se viste muy elegante para ir a trabajar. Después, Fabio (4) se cepilla los dientes y (5) se peina. A las 8, Fabio (6) sale para su oficina (office).
I can do some, not all sorry!
2. Restaurant
3. William
4. Sole
6. Orchestra
7. Avocado
12. Fire
9. Pillow
14. Answer
15. My
Hope that helped, let me know if you need more help! I can always help, just right now I can't do all.
Se “murieron”
Answer: second response