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Brief answer: Persecution of Jews under the Nuremberg Laws, as well as attacks on Jews and imprisoning Jews in concentration camps.
<u>Longer explanation:</u>
Hitler and the Nazis believed in the supremacy of what they referred to as the "Aryan race" -- which was a term they used for the Germanic peoples. They believed their race was superior to "lesser races" like the Jews, blacks and others. Hitler and the Nazis mounted a campaign in Germany to promote their race over others like Jews and Roma (gypsies), etc.
They enacted what are called the Nuremberg Laws, which were passed at a Nazi rally in Nuremberg in 1935. These laws denied citizenship and other rights to Jewish persons.
In November, 1938, there was rampant destruction of Jewish-owned businesses and synagogues and violence against Jewish people. This occurred on the night of November 9 going on into November 10, 1938, and was called "Kristallnacht," or "The Night of Broken Glass." Nazi officials told police and firefighters to do nothing -- to let the violence and destruction occur. In the days after Kristallnacht, the Nazi government said that the Jewish community itself was responsible for all the damage and destruction, and imposed enormous fines against the Jewish community. They also arrested more than 30,000 Jewish men and sent them to concentration camps which were built to incarcerate Jews and any others that the Nazis perceived to be enemies of the German state.
In their campaign for a "master race" as well as in support of their World War effort, the Nazis used Jews for forced labor in concentration camps. They also used Jewish persons and others they deemed undesirable essentially as laboratory rats for doing unethical medical experiments on them. For example, they'd put persons in a pressure chamber to find out how high an altitude they could let their pilots fly before they'd become unconscious from the altitude and pressure. Others of their experiments were even more gruesome.
Ultimately, there was what the Nazis called "The Final Solution" (in the 1940s), which we now refer to as the Holocaust. Millions of Jews, along with other unwanteds, were exterminated in mass killings.
The number of Japan’s agriculture workers has fallen some 60 percent over the past quarter of a century to below 2 million in 2016, the lowest on record since the government began keeping records, according to a recent survey.
The data show the government’s effort to increase the number of young farmers has yet to bear fruit while aged agriculture workers continue to leave the profession.
The decline in farmers also comes at a time of heightened concern in the industry over the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact, which is expected increase competition, and the government’s plan to abolish its policy of limiting rice production and to phase out related subsidies by 2018.
The survey compiled by Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries showed the number of agriculture workers fell to 1.92 million as of Feb. 1, down 8.3 percent from a year earlier. Japan had more than 7 million farmers in the mid-1970s, a figure that fell to 4.82 million in 1990 and to below 3 million in 2008.
The number of farmers dropped in all age brackets, except for those aged 65 to 69, which increased 6.2 percent with retirees entering the field.
Farmers aged 70 or older account for about a half of Japan’s total agriculture workers, yet the number aged 70 to 74 tumbled 12.5 percent to 280,700, while those 75 or older fell 8.8 percent to 604,800.
from this site:
The people do have the right to throw out what they believe is a corrupt gov. but they do need evidence.
ummm ur questions was weird soo like, all i can help wit
Many tribes also took legal action to prevent strip mining or spraying of pesticides on Indian lands. The best known of all Indian Power<span> groups was the </span>American<span> Indian</span>Movement<span> (AIM), formed by a group of Chippewas in Minneapolis in 1966 to protest alleged police brutality.</span>