Well, I'll make a hard guess on this one. it might be the people of France after the revolution. but if you teacher says it's wrong, I'm sorry ok!!
The self. Everyone was interested in the betterment of their soul and their self being.
LIKe and leave a good rating:)
If you've been assigned a research paper on the Holy Wars, then an "Encyclopedia" would provide a factual base for additional research, since it is the most reliable.
The United States has grown in many ways since the Civil War. We have equal rights. Blacks and Whites are equal, as are men and women. The United States is also considered to be the "melting pot" of the world. Meaning that there are many different cultures and religions and everyone can get along.
It can be both it helps with things that used to be hard to do like communication but it also exposes alot of people to very negative things