Hello! I'm a high school honors English student! I'd be happy to try to help you out with your school work! I have quite a bit of answers in the English area on this site, you can go look if you want!
- 英辞郎 (*^‿^*)
New York Times and Chicago Times. Media
She trusted what he said, but his actions revealed the truth or the truth him which is why his words now mean nothing. He didn't just cheat on her, he cheated on both of them. He didn't break her heart, he broke their future, as if they had plans for the future. He may never lie or cheat but if he get to steal, he should steal her sadness away. If he gets to lie, then he lies with her all the nights of her life. Lastly, if he must cheat, he should cheat death, because she wouldn't live a life with him or like she couldn't live without him as if he is the only thing she owns and that shows how strong the love she has towards him.
Maybe misunderstood the question, but hope it helped.
Jerome Rogers, a 12 year-old boy has been shot and killed. He sees everything happening around him as a ghost, floating outside of his body.
<em>This excerpt from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, draws this conclusion about Claudius that he is not a popular king. </em>
Claudius always cared about being a King. That’s the reason why he got King Hamlet killed at the first go. He cares about holding onto the throne which is well-understood when he marries Gertrude, the king’s widow and the mother of Prince Hamlet. He is also aware that he’s not a popular king. The public loves Hamlet for which he knows that he just can't arrest him for the murder of Polonius. Claudius’s words point towards his intentions. He wants Prince Hamlet out of his way and he knows that he has to do it in a tricky and twisted way or else the public will support Hamlet and not him.