Je vais – I go
Tu vas – You go
Il/Elle/On -- He/She/We go
Nous allons – We go
Vous allez – You go (pl.)
Ils/Elles vont -- They go
<span>Question 7
Choose the best answer to the following questions using the word y.
Vas-tu à Paris ?
Question 7 options:
Oui,j'y vais par avion.
Question 8
Choose the best answer to the following questions using the word y.
Tu aimes jouer au hockey ?
Question 8 options:
Oui, j'aime y jouer le samedi.
Choose the best answer to the following question using either y or en.
Tu veux voire de limonade ?
Question 9 options:
Oui, je veux en boire une tasse.
Choose the best answer to the following question using either y or en.
Ce train va en Suisse ?
Question 10 options:
Oui, il y va.</span>
1. We wait/are waiting in the park.
2. I hear the concert.
3. You lose your patience.
4. He visits/is visiting his mother.
5. They answer the question.
6. Claude sells some books.
7. The lawyer defends the criminal.
8. She returns the book to the library.
9. You correspond with a friend in France.
10. You descend the staircase/stairs very rapidly.
Tu es allemand
Es is the you form of être.
Est ce que je peux emprunter un roman pour deux semaine?