World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler had refused to abort his invasion of Poland.
World War 2 was fought between two groups of countries. On one side were the Axis Powers, including Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other side were the Allies. They included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.
-People settled along the river for access to water.
-The fertile delta soil produced enough crops to support the growth of a large civilization.
It was challenging because there wasn't many tools then and not a lot of relying resources. As early New England was developing, some crops would die off from livestock eating it, and lack of knowledge of what they were farming. This was some major things in the development of new England's agriculture.
James burbages didn't have the acting company but his sons did. It was called The chamberlain's men.