An evolutionary theorist would be interested in whether:
c. math abilities are biologically built into being male.
An evolutionary theorist would be concerned with how genes manifest after being passed on from generation to generation. Evolution itself can be defined as the change in characteristics we inherit over time. Since, in the case described, the boy gets good grades in math while the girl doe not, an evolutionary theorist would consider the possibility of a genetic difference between the two being the cause for such an ability. Perhaps, the boy has genes that make it easier for him to learn math.
Ecuador is not in north America it's in Africa
Currently, I am homeschooled, but I used to go to a public school. What my old school used to do was that they would hang art projects across the walls of the school and have teachers hang up their favorite student drawlings on there personal locker (which all the students could see). Also if during a rainy day (for recess), They would pass around coloring boxes to each one of us, if we had already not picked an activity. Also, we had a lot of funding for our art department in which students could go in and sign up after school (I was one of them).
Hope this helps! :)
Respect and understanding
Communicate with them in a manner considered appropriate in the local culture.