industrial expansion and population growth radically changed the face of the nation's cities.noise,traffic jams,slums,air pollution,and sanitation and health problems became commonplace.mass transit ,in the form of trolleys ,cable cars,and subways,was built ,and skyscrapers began to dominate city skylines.
Why do Claudia and Frieda beat up Rosemary, what does Rosemary offer as an apology?
Claudia and Frieda "beat" up rosemary due to not being allowed inside Rosemary's father's Buick. Rosemary offers some life advice as an apology.
What does Claudia do once she falls ill?
Claudia lies down.
How does Claudia describe Mr. Henry when she first meets him?
Claudia describes him as friendly and playful due to him doing magic tricks for them.
What game does Mr. Henry play with Claudia and Frieda when he first see's them?
He presents them a penny then hides in somewhere in his clothing for them to find.
Answers to the visible questions.
Textual evidence and quotes from text
I think that B is in the active voice.