The Gestapo come and take them all away
Answer:B. (i think)
Explanation:One undeniable fact is that scorpions are venomous. ... Most species possess a sting comparable to that of a bee sting, but a few scorpion species have a venomous sting that can be lethal to humans. Scorpion venom is a neurotoxin, a chemical that affects the nervous system, ultimately killing or paralyzing their prey.
You've probably heard food justice linked to nutrition, health, 'food deserts', hunger, the environment, and everything in between. ... I like this definition from the NYC-based organization Just Food: “Food Justice is communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy food.
Answer: In both, people fight for their lives. It contributes because The Hobbit and The Hunger Games follow Campbell’s formula for “The Hero’s
Explanation: In the 1940s, the writer and professor, Joseph Campbell, noticed that a lot of his favorite stories shared a similar structure. He wrote about it in his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Today, this story structure is popularly known as “The Hero’s Journey.” Campbell’s Hero’s Journey structure shows up all over literature, no matter the genre. The Hero’s Journey stories are so compelling because we like to see heroic characters overcoming great obstacles; we admire these heroes and hope to be like them.
Nevertheless or in other words it also means however