Establish a Jewish state...
This is referring to the founding of Israel. Your curriculum probably had this in the section about the Holocaust, rather than having it either in the sections about the effects/aftermath of WWII or the founding of the United Nations.
If you eat pine nuts, berries, and salmon as part of your diet, you likely live in the "Pacific Northwest," since this is where all of these items can be found (generally speaking).
Emphasize that whenever a news story is breaking, students should resist the temptation to react right away. Instead, they should slow down and try to get the full story.
1. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
2. Berkeley Free Speech Movement
The examples of antiwar student movements during the 1960s are:
1. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
2. Berkeley Free Speech Movement
The above assertion is evident in the fact that Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was established in the 1960s as a national student activist organization in the United States. The group aims to stand against the principles of continual leaders, hierarchical relationships, and parliamentary procedure. They also go against the issue of the Vietnam war while supporting Black power.
Similarly, the Berkeley Free Speech Movement was a student protest group established in the 1960s. The group protested many things, including the ban of on-campus political activities, the student's right to free speech and academic freedom, and other civil rights movement activities and anti-Vietnam war movement.