The seven wonders of the world are:
1) The Taj Mahal.
2) The Colosseum.
3) The Chichen Itza.
4) Machu Picchu.
5) Christ the redeemer (statue).
6) Petra.
7) Great Wall of China.
The Niagara Falls is a natural landscape.
If the frequency of a wave increases while its speed remains constant, the wavelength decreases i.e. the distance between successive crests decreases.
The name for such a hole is "caldera" which is a word of Spanish origin meaning "a pot" or a "cooking pot" (thing of cauldron!) - and this word is used because it resembles the shape of this hole.
Often the Calderas are filled with water forming lakes and often there is an island in the middle of the water.
Family migration as a general concept covers family reunification, family formation, accompanying family members of workers, and the migration of a family unit as a whole. The following are key terms and concepts.