After Macbeth gets the prophecy he now thinks he will be king. Macbeth now wants to be king and he thinks the only way to do that is to kill King Duncan. After Banquo gets the prophecy he does not desire to know anymore about it. Banquo does not take what the witches said seriously. Macbeth is greedy and desires to know more, and Banquo takes it as a joke. Macbeth is more greedy than Banquo, and Banquo is more appreciative.
After the prophecy they both become suspicious of each other. Macbeth killed King Duncan and Banquo questions how the prophecy came true. Macbeth thinks Banquo knows that he killed King Duncan so he then plots to kill him.
If you look at their conversation, the two women the one that let her friend borrow it showed a surprised action there. The woman should have told her but instead she didn't so in the middle of the story is when you really have details to help you figure the ending out. which is that the woman who borrowed it should have never lied about it and the woman who let her should have told her that it was fake
It is Jared from Subway! My whole family is horrified. Jared is an awful person who has done horrible things. My grandmother steps back, shielding my little cousins from him. He is dangerous. That much we know. My aunt shrieks in mortal anguish, demanding answers from my uncle. "Why did you bring that monster into our home!?" she cries, as Jared stands, perfectly calmly, beside my uncle. "I don't know!" screams my uncle. My cousins are all huddled up, crying behind my grandmother, who is holding a long, thin fireplace poker at arms, her very stance threatening to skewer him through. Jared is still standing there, holding a Subway turkey sandwich as if he is not a monster. My grandfather is glaring at Jared, but he does not move. If he stands, he fears he will lunge at Jared. He hates Subway because he hates Jared, and he hates Jared because he is a monster. "He's not even allowed to be this close to children!" screams my aunt, coming very close to punching Jared in the mouth, but thinking better of it. "I'm calling the police" she whispers in a venomous voice, looking at Jared, the horrible, terrible monster that is Jared, as he takes a bite of his dry turkey sandwich. He looks around the room blankly. He seems bored. Of course he's bored, he's a monster. Grandma spit at his feet. "Everyone go to the table. Let's... Eat, and ignore him." Everyone sat, including Jared. Jared from Subway, with his dry Subway turkey sandwich. As the children were served, my Aunt glared daggers at my Uncle and Jared. How could he bring such a horrible person home? To spite her for the divorce? Is that why he brought a monster to Christmas dinner? That would be truly terrible. She watched as Jared took another bite of his dry turkey sandwich. Suddenly, Grandma stood up and slapped his sandwich out of his hand. "You're going to burn, you horrible, horrible man! You know what you did! You know how many innocent lives you have endangered with your horrible ways! Monster!" Her voice ascended in volume while she screamed. She walked a few feet away from him and began bawling. How could her son bring Jared? Why Jared from Subway? My uncle stood up. He shoved Jared out of the kitchen door. He locked it. Everyone began to cry. Jared from Subway was finally gone.
It seems that you have missed the necessary options for us to answer this question so I had to look for it. Anyway, here is the answer. How Gandhi and King further Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience is by giving <span>their followers a better model for disobedience than Thoreau. Hope this helps.</span>
How did White Fang get away from the Indians? He quietly sneaked out of the village in the midst of the confusion when the Indians were moving to a winter camp. Identify Mit-sah. Mit-sah was Gray Beaver's son.