it was the first gov't to emerge in ancient China and the first to adhere to dynastic succesion
A. "But I like Binkie, my dog, because / He knows how to behave;" and C. "But Binkie will play whatever I choose, / And he is my true First Friend."
If you compare the answers all of the ones about Binkie (the dog) he states that Binkie was his "True First Friend" and all the ones about the Cat are not good as he states "To 'muse herself, not me" so the right answers are A. and C.
Germany objected to just about every aspect of the Treaty of Versailles; the territorial provisions, the disarmament clauses, war guilt, and reparations. Even though Germany had lost a significant amount of territory, including all her colonies, she was still left with considerable resources.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla the Roman dictator was the one responsible for the dramatic changer in Roman consitution. Sulla's politics was rather conservative, and Sulla had an objective to strengthen the Roman Senate and reduce the power of the plebeian tribunes. He retired in 79BC.
Many things began to change and develop before the great depression. Flappers, the Charleston, and Jazz all were some of the shining examples of cultural change in America. Speakeasies were open, Roads were paved, and a swift sweep of culture was had.