Although the light is not actually chains, it compares the two things to help the reader visualize the lights.
Well if she cheats she will probably get caught on some sort of CCTV (camera) if not by some staff. If she doesn't cheer them she will fail and everyone will go 'boo hoo' ( if u get what mean) The main issue is that she will force herself to cheat and waste time getting her cheat notes ready shares she can revise.
Assuming that you're referring to the excerpt about a woman who was criticized because she's not quitting her job because she got a baby
She felt that the man is simple minded and simply not intelligent enough understand that she need the job to pay the bills, so rather than responding verbally, she chose to display her retort in other ways
hope this helps
According to Webster Dictionary, Homeostasis is a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group.
In simpler words, homeostasis is a period in time where things are relatively balanced and able to adapt to change without causing a lot of problems. I found a few examples involving the human body including body temperature, glucose levels and fluid volume. If you need an extra explanation, I will link the site if examples down below. (:
Happy studying!