Answer -B Basic form of a verb
Why, because its the only thing from spanish i can remember
1. Mi papá esta leyendo el periódico
2. Nosotros estamos dormiendo
3. Tu estas oiyendo la radio
4. Nosotros estamos pidiendo la comida
5. Mis amigos estan viniendo a mi casa
I have a cake.
You have the cookies.
He has the cookies.
She has the cake.
No pigs can actually be great swimmers
Regardless of negative associations with pigs, research has proven that they are no different to many other animals, including the pets we share our homes with.
Pigs feel a range of complex emotions, and can suffer both physically and mentally.
mayor uso de las redes sociales y sentimientos de ansiedad y depresión, especialmente en los niños. Además, muchos jóvenes han recurrido a las redes sociales para mantenerse en contacto con amigos y familiares.