Jane has set up a catering service and presently operates from a small kitchen. She had a staff of five working for her. What ki
nd of meals will she be comfortable catering to if she does not wish to hire more staff A. banquets B. boxed lunches C. a banquet with 100 guests D. a conference with 150 guests
She should be serving box lunches. Banquets normally take a lot of time to prepare because the amount of food needed is normally high. Creating banquets it’s not easy, because you need time and staff to do it (specially if the banquet has a lot of guests). A conference would be almost the same as the banquet. That is why the most reasonable answer should be Box lunches. Because is the option where you could take your time creating them and you don’t need a lot staff to do it. In conclusion, if Jane wants to do a catering service with no more than 5 people as staff then she should do box lunches.