False. According to the World Health Organization, any kind of action resulting physical harm or damage, and also any kind of psychological harm, damage and even maldevelopment of an individual can be construed as violence.
The greatest expense of the state of Oklahoma is the healthcare for the people.
Oklahoma is a federal state in the United States. As all states, it has its own governing bodies, its own policies, budget, and of course its own projects and expenditures.
There are variations between the states in the United States when it comes to their expenditure as in what sector they spend the most, but one sector that seems to always be at the top is the healthcare, and Oklahoma is not an exception. In fact, the healthcare is the biggest expense of Oklahoma, accounting from around 7 billion USD annually.
The second biggest expense of this state is the education, with the government spending around 5 billion USD on it. The pensions come in third with around 3 billion USD, and right behind them are the transportation and the welfare each accounting from around 2 billion USD annually.
the way you create a communist is start a chat
Answer:Industrialization changes the pattern of foreign trade in the country. It increases the export of manufactured goods, which are more profitable in foreign exchange. But at the same time, processing the raw material at home curtails the import of goods, thereby helping to conserve foreign exchange.
John Winthrop (1606-1676), American colonial statesman and scientist, founded several New England settlements. He obtained Connecticut's favorable charter and served as its chief executive. Oldest child of Massachusetts Bay Colony's first governor, John Winthrop was born at Groton, England, on Feb. 12, 1606.