The following is the daily life of a Senator named Publius.
Dies Saturni - Saturday
- Went to the colosseum to witness the gladiator games.
- Sat with the exalted Senator Sextus and the two Consuls, Decimus and Lucius
- Discussed important matters with the Senator and Consuls about the impending dictatorship of Lucius
Dies Solis - Sunday
- Visited my latifundium (farms) outside Rome
- Journey took 6 hours so did not have the chance to come back to Rome
- Inspected the grape and grains to ensure that my slaves were doing a good job
Dies Lunae - Monday
- Returned to Rome in the afternoon
- Went straight home to recuperate
- Met with Senator Titus who wanted to curry favor from Senator Sextus
Dies Martis - Tuesday
- Received a Magisterial compulsory order to attend a Senate meeting on Dies Veneris (Friday)
- Met with my father in-law, Magistrate Tiberius, who had issued the summons. He wanted to discuss the the matter he would raise.
Dies Mercurii - Wednesday
- Went to the temple of Jupitar, the family chief deity and offered a sacrifice for the good for my latifundium
- My slave, a Goth named, Aulus, told me his wife had given birth. I gave him some money and presents to take care of her because he was a loyal slave whom I respected.
Dies Jovis - Thursday
- Began the day with a sacrifice to Manasius, the Lar Familiaris (spirit guardian)
- Instructed my two sons, Quintus and Appius, on matters of governance and listened to them speak Greek to ensure they were taking their studies seriously
- Had my slaves prepare my toga for the Senate meeting on the next day
Dies Veneris - Friday
- Got to the venue of the Senate meeting and participated in the <u>sacrifice to the gods</u> to receive good omens for the meeting
- Senator Titus spoke the whole day as he chased a diem consumere (filibuster).
- The vote was postponed to Dies Lunae for further deliberation.
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The first settlers of Jamestown endured the problems of hostile Indians, starvation, and poor leadership and government. Jamestown was the second English Colony in the New World (Roanoke being the first) and the Indians attacked the settlers within 3 days of arrival in May of 1607.
A. The cost of nuclear fuel is very low
In recent years, most illegal drugs have entered the US through (D) Mexico; in the 1980s, most came from Colombia.
In the last few years, smugglers have managed to sneak drugs across the border in different ways. Most of them have hidden drugs such as cocaine and heroin in their vehicles or in their shoes. In addition, in the last two decades more than 200 tunnels used to transport marijuana and cocaine have been discovered on the Southwest border. However, in the 1980s, most drugs entered the US from Colombia due to the Medellin Cartel led by Pablo Escobar. This drug cartel processed coca imported from Bolivia and Peru into cocaine and then distributed it through different trafficking routes in the United States, including Florida, California and New York.