Answer: C
The president proposes a budget and signs it into law after the House and Senate revise it.
potassium-argon dating
potassium-argon dating is used based on the decay of radioactive potassium 40, argon 40, it even goes to calcium 40 in any minerals
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Calculating the GDP Deflator
Consider a numeric example: if nominal GDP is $100,000, and real GDP is $45,000, then the GDP deflator will be 222 (GDP deflator = $100,000/$45,000 * 100 = 222.22). In the U.S., GDP and GDP deflator are calculated by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) calculates India's GDP. It comes under the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation.
Of course he can. If a president has a doubt about the constitutionality of a piece of legislation, he can order his official to go to courts and file a case. In the ultimate end, the US Supreme Court will rule on the case.