Do you believe that in English class, We should have more free writing assignments that we can put our pure thought into and our
opinions? As a Student I feel like we always have to work to other peoples standards and we don't get to express ourselves through our writing anymore, Thoughts?? :))
I would like for us students to be able to write whatever our heart desires. What bothers me sometimes is when we have to write a ton of essays on the short stories we read; such as writing about the theme of the story, symbolism within the story, and so forth.
However, I can see why teachers would rather assign the writing assignments. It's to help us improve our writing and in a way, reading skills. For me, when I had English class my first essay was horrible and lacked examples from the text. As my teacher kept assigning essays, I found myself improving little by little.
Overall though, I still do think teachers should allow us to pick out a topic to write about. The closest time where that happened was when my teacher gave 3 different topics and we got to write about one out of the three. That's somewhat close to being able to pick our own topic.. but at the same time, not really haha.
I would suggest Thor HyerDahl, you should look him up and see what you think, he went on many expeditions so do a bit of digging and you'll have a lot of information.
1. <span>Gerasim alone did not lie; everything showed that he alone understood the facts of the case and did not consider it necessary to disguise them