Setenta y nueve dólares y noventa centavos
Pretty sure it’s in past form
Nicaragua, along with Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, signed the Central America – Dominican Republic – United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) in August 2004. The agreement entered into force for Nicaragua and the United States on April 1, 2006. In 2010, Central American countries, including Nicaragua, signed a trade agreement with the European Union. In 2014, a partial free trade agreement came into effect between Nicaragua and Cuba. Additionally, Nicaragua has trade agreements with Mexico, Panama, Taiwan, Chile, and the Dominican Republic.
1. Viendo el periodico
2. Jugando con la pelota
3. Montando bicicleta
4. Tomando una foto a sus amigos
5. Dando un paseo
6. Tomando el sol
7. Patinando
8. Nadando
Our welcome :)
1) jugamos
2) juegan
3) juego
i learned this in 8th grade