Trustworthiness, Honesty, Courtesy, Respect the rights of others responsibility and respecting the laws are all the personal traits an ideal citizen should have. To consider yourself an ideal citizen you would have to be a good person on the inside and outside.
Okay so, I actually wrote this when I was younger.
One day I was getting ready to go to my first ever ballet class at the West End Academy Of Dance. I was so excited but nervous at the same time, I didn’t know what was going to happen when it was my first day there. When I got inside there were a lot of people there And I got even more nervous than before. When it was time for our class to begin I didn’t want want to leave my mom because I didn’t know what to expect. First, we went up to this metal bar that was on the wall, we did demi pleas and rises, then we stepped off of the bar to the nice shiny and clean floor. We did some easy very very easy paashaus and last, We did some leaps across the floor. The floor was so slippery that I almost felt as I touched it after I did my leap. I didn’t like that the parents had to watch us while we were in dance class because the older girls before us didn’t have their parents watching them, well I guess it’s probably because we were little and they didn’t want anything or anyone to get hurt.
The next day was Wednesday, and I just had to go back to my dance studio because my sister Dana Had dance classes there too before I did. They knew Dana and our mom and dad a lot because she went there and now that I came they will get used to me being there twice a week. ( Monday and Tuesday ). Every year on June 16th or 20th the dance whole studio has a recital to show all of the families what the classes have learned and what their dances look like. What I mean by Dances is that each year the teachers will be showing you and giving you a dance to learn with your fellow classmates. Sometimes there will be a helper teacher AKA A aid to help you if you don’t know the steps or if you weren't there and you don’t know what you're spot was and what you're supposed to do if you were late for classes.
A couple of years later I was 10 which well I am 10 now. And let me think ah-ha! yeah, I’ve been dancing for more than five or six years, yeah I know that's a lot of dancing years. I Love Dancing so much I mean it’s the only sport that I love to do. 5 years ago when I was 5 years old I used to do cheerleading at Pride Allstars Cheerleading gym which isn’t that far from where I dance now.
Hope that this helps you out! :)
If any questions, please leave them below and I will try my best and help you.
Have a great rest of your day/night!
Please thank me on my profile if this answer has helped you!
Bananas grow curved towards the sun…
Yay science :(
d) 10
Caesar cipher is code that uses the shift of the letters of alphabet. Key size simply denotes the number of the letters shifted.
For example, let's take the letter A. If key size iz 3, A becomes D (third letter down the alphabet). If the key size is 6, A becomes G (sixth letter down the alphabet).
So to answer this question, we need to decode this code. That means we do reverse process; we go up the alphabet, and shift every letter in the code for the key size.
If the key size is 3, we shift every letter of the code by 3 up the alphabet. So, Z becomes W, E becomes B etc. We end up with: WBALMMVYANLAYLZBSA which obviously doesn't make any sense.
If the key size is 5, similarly, we end up with: UZYJKKTWYLJYWJXZQY.
If the key size is 7, we end up with: SXWHIIRUWJHWUHVXOW.
And finally if the key size is 10, we end up with: PUTEFFORTGETRESULT (PUT EFFORT GET RESULT), which is the only option that makes sense.
A.I will always do what’s right