This is true. A thesis statement is you opinion. This means that not everyone will agree with your opinion. For example:
Smoking should be illegal because it is unhealthy, costly, and an annoyance.
Though you supported your opinion, someone who enjoys smoking may say that it is not costly or annoying. This is why a thesis statement is controversial.
The word croissant is an example of borrowed word.
Croissant is a borrowed word. The word croissant originated from "crescent." It is a Pronunciation of a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian and French origin, named for its historical crescent shape.
herefore, because of the shape of the croissant word was most likely acquired from a crescent. With the goal that's the means by which they named the word croissant for instance of the borrowed word.
Sorry i don’t know how i can help i need more information