El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses para evitar que los coreanos extiendan su gobierno comunista
El presidente Truman envía fuerzas estadounidenses a Corea del Sur para restringir la invasión del Norte. Fue un intento de contener el comunismo y ayudar a sus aliados. El comunismo según el Sr. Truman ha traspasado todos los límites para conquistar naciones independientes. Por lo tanto, EE. UU. Interferirá y utilizará la invasión armada e incluso estará listo para tener una guerra para evitar cualquier otra intrusión del reinado coreano.
im coming with a answerAnswer: Ok that a little hardd
they could not defend themselves against stronger groups.
The Kingdom of Axum was an important region in the Silk Road, because they had their own currency, which facilitated trade in the Silk Road trade and although it was sovereign, it sometimes entered the politics of the Arabian Peninsula, so it is safe to say that it was known and had good relations with it's neighbors and the people coming in and the people going out. Slowly afterwards, they started expanding their rule over the Arabian Peninsula.
The most obvious way was through open rebellion. In 73-71 BC the gladiator Spartacus famously led an uprising of thousands of slaves in central Italy, formed an army that defeated several Roman legions, and at one point threatened Rome itself.