I would say B.
All the other answers are not very upfront and specific and don't really make sense. When a group of people are unified or are without conflict a societey will succeed. A good example of this is how aincient China had dynasties and how they all fell and was mainly because of conflict (being ununified).
Southeast Indian - Southeast Indian - Settlement patterns and housing: The basic settlement unit throughout the Southeast was the local village or town. These varied in size and configuration depending on local ecological resources and cultural preferences. Some towns attained populations of more than 1,000 individuals, but the more typical village was home to fewer than 500 residents.
Answer:seed-tree method or seed-tree cutting
The seed tree method is a modified method of clear cutting where trees which are seen to be the best are left behind so that they can regenerate and become parent trees to the new forest.
When everything else is cut off 8 to 10 trees which shows to be perfectly healthy and matured are left behind for regeneration.
These are wind resistant trees with light seeds like maple trees. After the new trees have grown they may be cutt off or be left for the two age stand.